The Telugu version of Kuselan was formally launched in a star studded function in Hyderabad. The function took place at Hyderabad’s opulent convention center Hitex. This event was well attended by who’s who of Telugu filmdom. Some prominent personalities that attended the function were Telugu Mega Star Chiranjeevi, Venkatesh, Ram Charan, Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Mr.ChandraBabu Naidu, Union Minister Mr.Dasari Narayana Rao.
This function turned out to be an spectacular extravaganza with formal sit-down dinner served complete with wine. Those who spoke on the occasion heaped praise on the producer of the movie and owner of Vyjayanthi movies Mr. Aswini Dutt. Though Aswini is popular in Hyderabad for organizing such trendy events and his marketing abilities, this particular one exceeded his own standards.
The Super Star was in quite a humorous mood, I would say. He seemed to enjoy the company and the attention he was getting. He recalled an incident where his friend Mohan Babu suggested that Rajini should stick to Tamil movies. Though he didn’t mention him by name but chose to refer him as his best friend, it was an easy guess for everyone that Rajini was talking about Mohan Babu. He said at a time when he was shuttling between Chennai and Hyderabad for acting in Tamil and Telugu movies simultaneously, Mohan Babu pointed out the ugly politics that is rampant in Telugu movie industry and he suggested it is better that Rajini concentrates on Tamil movies only. At one point, a prominent producer wanted to cast Rajini as a hero in a Telugu movie for which he was going to give 1.5 acres of land in Hyderabad’s Jubilee Hills area as his remuneration. That was several years ago and Mohan Babu said it was such a cheap place and that producer is cheating Rajini by giving him land in a worthless area. Recalling this incident, Rajini said, “I think my friend thought I would be a threat to his popularity in Telugu cinema, that he wanted to keep me away from Telugu movies!”. At once the entire audience burst into laughter. FYI, Jubilee Hills is Hyderabad’s most expensive neighborhood and an acre there costs several crores now.
The Telugu version of Katha Parayambol is directed by P.Vasu as well. The barber’s role goes to Jagapati Babu. Guess what is the title of the Telugu version? Thats right, it is ‘Kucheludu’.
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