The movie also stars Prabhu, Jyothika, Vinit, Malavika and Nayantara as lead characters. It is produced by actor Prabhu under his home banner, Sivaji Productions, named after his father and legendary Tamil actor, Sivaji Ganesan. The movie is directed by P.Vasu. Music is composed by Vidyasagar. The plot is derived from the malayalam movie Manichitrathazhu. The movie was released on the eve of Tamil New Year, April 14, 2005.
Legend has it that Chandramukhi, a dancer from andhara, was coveted by the king Vettayain and kept in the Vettayapuram palace. When the king realized that Chandramukhi was having an affair with a dancer Gunasekharan, he had both of them killed and her unfulfilled spirit is supposed to be haunting the mansion now.Senthilnathan(Prabhu), with his wife Ganga(Jyothika), decides to buy the Vettayapuram mansion and move into it though he is warned against it by his family because of the mansion's past. Strange things begin happening and attempts are made on Senthil's life once he moves in and Saravanan(Rajnikanth), Senthil's friend and an American-returned psychiatrist, begins investigating. Meanwhile everyone begins suspecting that Durga(Nayantara), the gardener's daughter, is behind it all.
Gradually, Saravanan finds that Ganga is suffering from a rare psychological disorder. Ganga as a child loved hearing grandma stories and after listening to the story of Chandramukhi presumes that she is the dancer and wants to take revenge. Saravanan using his knowledge of psychiatry and witchcraft attempts to bring Ganga back to her normal self. The climax is extremely interesting and is a must watch.
The Ra Ra... song works very well on screen with the lakalaka... bit(uttered by two characters) adding quite an effect. The scenes from the past are captivating with Rajni obviously enjoying himself and the way the main issue is resolved is satisfying.
Chandramukhi is the latest film by “Superstar” Rajnikanth, and lived up to all expectations as far as box office goes. Unfortunately, even measured by the standards of Rajni’s overblown but fun masala films, it is not very good. Still, there’s enough juvenile insanity on display here to make your jaw drop at least once or twice.
For those unfamiliar with him, Rajnikanth is the biggest star of Tamil cinema, a regional center of Indian film that often produces more original and interesting work than the more well-known Bollywood stuff. Tamil cinema, though frequently looked down upon by northerners as crass, has produced some truly fascinating and groundbreaking artists, including director Mani Ratnam and actor/producer Kamal Hasan.
And then there is Rajni (aka Superstar), the reigning hero of Tamil popular cinema. The man was born to be a crowd-pleaser, and, in return, Tamil audiences love him with a white-hot passion. Rajni makes masala films full of two-fisted action, romance and comedy, and plays working class heroes that always win out over evil. Superstar’s popularity can’t be overstated. I can’t argue with that – his movies are definitely a lot of fun. He also apparently has a following in Osaka. Go figure.
Chandramukhi is his first film in several years and thus arrived freighted with high expectations. The plot is a bit out of the ordinary for a Rajni movie – a haunted house story. Rajni plays Saravanan, a psychiatrist who returns from America and helps his adoptive brother out of a jam. Rajni’s skills as a psychiatrist are demonstrated by his ability to READ PEOPLE’S MINDS!?!? Naturally, he can only do this by carefully judging their facial expressions. Equally naturally, half the time he does this in the movie, the characters whose minds he’s reading are facing away from him. It goes without saying that, like Rudy Ray Moore, this psychiatrist is also a kung-fu fighting ladies’ man.
Rajni’s brother Senthilnathan (Prabhu) is moves into a haunted house along with some disgruntled distant relations. After some ominous warnings, his wife Ganga (Jyotika), becomes fascinated with the legend of Chandramukhi, the angry ghost of a courtesan who was betrayed and murdered by a local despot, and whose remains have been locked up ever since in an abandoned corner of the estate. After she opens the room, weird supernatural events begin to occur, and Senthilnathan’s life seems to be in danger. Suspicions fall on the gardener’s daughter (Nayanthara) whom Rajni has been romancing, and it is up to Superstar to clear up the mess. Meanwhile, the matriarch of the family and her man-servant periodically make threatening faces, and Vadivelu, in the role of the comic relief, acts stupid (though not intoler
ably so).
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